My Wednesday was quite uneventful. It consisted of lots of laundry folding and building towers with my son. :) We also got him his first potty, although he is still a little young I want to sit him down to "go" every time I go or after he's had a drink. I feel it is good for him to get familiar with the act of "going potty" now. Plus, he feels so BIG! I love his smile when I say he's a "big boy". He has such good confidence and feels so proud, that really is the best feeling for me to see him react like that. I always want him to be happy and proud of himself. That is the best feeling as a mother to see your child happy.

Anyways, I did not snap a picture of my breakfast because it was just an Advocare Meal Replacement Shake. Simple, but yummy!
For Lunch I had one of my "prepared meals" I did a big meal prep monday on monday and not gonna lie, I am super proud. It took FOREVER lol but it seriously is so worth doing! I've loved having meals ready for myself and being able to just throw quick dinners together for the boys or eating something I prepared for all of us. I for sure feel like this is something I'm going to strive to continue because I feel it keeps me so much more on point with my diet. I am alot less likely to grab something unhealthy if I have things ready, I feel I can't really justify it! So that's really been great. Btw! I had spaghetti squash and chicken today as my meal.
[i prepped chicken, fish, ground turkey, spaghetti squash and broccoli, all seasoned with my fav seasoning line of all time MRS DASH!]

I feel like this week has flown by. Hopefully, tomorrow I will have something more eventful to talk about! My workout [or lack of] is little to be talked about, I ran about 2 miles and started feeling dizzy/sick so I stopped. My body has just felt weak today (it's that time of month) and I think it is good to listen to when you need a break, and I think I needed one today. Even though, mentally I wanted to get my sweat on, just means all the better it'll be tomorrow!
Lots of Love,