So breakfast is pretty much my most awaited and beloved meal of the day. Sometimes I think I go to sleep just so I can wake up and have breakfast. I'm not really kidding! Being that I used to be over 200 lbs I still really love food, I just eat DIFFERENT food now, healthy food! Lol.
Anyways, I get in like, food kicks, and I'll have the same thing for days on end. I'm a creature of habbit when it comes to my food, and that's about the only thing I like doing the same haha. My latest kick has been Protein Pancakes. If you haven't tried them out I really suggest you do because they are simply life-changing. Honestly. My go to recipe is this:
1/2 cup egg whites
1 scoop protein powder of choice (i'm using protizyme protein cookie)
1/4 cup oats
splash of vanilla
a lot of cinnamon (i'm obsessed!)
1/4 cup applesauce or 1/4 to 1/2 cup Pumpkin puree
This morning I tried it with the pumpkin and it made them so thick and fluffy and delicious lol. I find with the applesauce it makes them more crepe like. So whatever your feelin'!
I've been lifting more seriously, and I want to get ripped and look like this:

I'm trying to just be at peace with my body tho and be happy with where I'm at. I think when you are losing weight you are so focused on losing. Then once you lose it you get other goals, or you want to keep losing, which i've found to be the case with me. I know I don't need to lose anymore weight but there is still a part of me that wants to. I find myself constantly changing my goal weight, once I get to another goal. So I need to just be content! Because two, three years ago I'd be walking around naked if I knew I'd be at where I am now. Wonderful image I know. ;)
My baby, Grayson, his birthday will be next month. He's going to be ONE!!!!!
I can't believe it, seriously time flies. He's such a sweet boy and I love being able to be at home with him and watch him grow and play with him. I am planning on getting a smash cake for his birthday and letting him go crazy. There is soooo many cute smash cake pictures on pinterest and it makes me excited. I want to do an Elmo themed cake and party. I already bought his birthday outfit!
I've been kind of neglecting my channel lately and I NEED to get some videos up. I want to possibly do a March favorites video even tho I don't have a ton of favorites this month. And I'd really love to do a Vitamin/Supplement video and another weight-loss video.
I'm starting to seriously be serious about getting a part time job. As much as I love being at home with Grayson I'd like to get a job and make friends. It'd also be nice to have some adult conversation instead of reading dr.Suess books all day and watching Sesame Street haha.
I am still running a lot. I have a 10k this Saturday!!! :-)